Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Drama in a Web 2.0 World

I take pride in keeping the Drama-level in my life at low but recent events have taken my Drama-level to new heights.   I'm really okay with - and am even enjoying the excitement of - some of the Drama but a Web 2.0 World has totally changed how Drama occurs.  

This past year I joined the Board of Directors of an association.  We have a big event coming up in June and, as always when deadlines approach, pressures are mounting.

In person meetings are manageable...unless there is someone on the other end of a speakerphone.

Chats are tolerable...but conversations and threads overlap...and there is always a record of what was "said."  (Have you ever read a chat transcript after the fact? OUCH!)

Email strings go on forever...and cc lists are long (and not always edited correctly!)  And who is being bcc'd???

Thankfully, I don't think FaceBook and Twitter have picked up on our Drama yet which is good. I hope we can keep it a little private.

I'm happy to say that our June event will be magnificent (though there may be a few dead bodies along the way) and lots of lessons will be learned.  For me, I'm learning how to manage Drama in a Web 2.0 World.


Anonymous said...

I like it .. and how true how true about transcripts. They have to be a nightmare w/people talking over people and side comments ..oy! said...

Andrea Dahlink-

I had a dream about you not long ago and then I saw your updates on Linked In (between my blogging, tweeting, custom work and Color Bakery, Linked In frustrates me to no end because I know I should be using it) and then I discovered this neat blog by my blonde bombshell friend. Did you know you write the way you talk? Beautifully :) I am so glad you are doing so well, not surprised you're a "movah and a shakah" as Ms. Greenberg might nasally intone.

I have a question for you. Can you email me? Besides my mother, you were the best detective I ever knew, anywhere, any time, and I need your help. It's a business challenge I am having.

Oh, and you look beautiful in your pic...exactly the same as 1989. It seems like hours ago when we all had big hair and shoulderpads, and Duran Duran was everywhere.

peapod_grrl at yahoo dot com.

Big hugs from,