Friday, March 5, 2010

Sharing everything with everyone

Today I read an interesting post entitled  "Should you cross-post updates to Facebook and Twitter?"  and, once again, it made me think about what I post where.

I usually keep my Facebook updates only on Facebook. They tend to be more friend and family oriented, and lately I seem to be fixated on coffee and weather. (It has been cold and snowy here in the NYC area this winter!) 

My Tweets tend to stay on Twitter (with a handful of crossovers to LinkedIn) but my Facebook notes are quite often based on something I've Tweeted. 

Though I use other social networking tools I tend to focus on Facebook and Twitter. For now, they satisfy both my business and personal needs -- and I hope I'm not sharing everything with everyone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have my Twiiter account linked to my Facebook account. Also I have my YouTube account linked to both Twitter and Facebook.
In addition to that I have my Facebook Fan page for BOulevard Tavern linked to twitter.
So when I post something on the Blvd Fan page it sets up what i like to refer to a virtual boomerang. The post goes to Twitter which then send it my personal Facebook account.
Is there something wrong with me?