Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tweet-Free Zone

This past year it seems that no matter where I go (business or personal), someone is tweeting about what's going on!

Last week I had the pleasure of attending America East, a long standing regional conference and trade show for newspapers and their suppliers.

I spent time on the exhibit hall floor, in sessions, and at a vendor cocktail party.  I also hung out at the Hershey Lodge with the exhibitors and attendees.

At the conference I was on a panel at a session entitled "What Recession? Best Practices in Building Classified Revenues in Recruitment and Real Estate" which focused on both print and online classified revenue generation. 

And while there were people checking their emails from time-to-time it was pretty clear that almost no one was tweeting.  This was most evident during my session as people were (*gasp*) holding pens and writing notes!  As part of the panel I too had a note pad and pen in front of me...and I found it refreshing to be taking notes for myself and not trying to be the first to tweet about what others were saying.

While I don't see myself giving up my twitter account in the near future, I do see myself bringing a notebook and pen to future conferences. (I might even start practicing doodling again!)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sharing everything with everyone

Today I read an interesting post entitled  "Should you cross-post updates to Facebook and Twitter?"  and, once again, it made me think about what I post where.

I usually keep my Facebook updates only on Facebook. They tend to be more friend and family oriented, and lately I seem to be fixated on coffee and weather. (It has been cold and snowy here in the NYC area this winter!) 

My Tweets tend to stay on Twitter (with a handful of crossovers to LinkedIn) but my Facebook notes are quite often based on something I've Tweeted. 

Though I use other social networking tools I tend to focus on Facebook and Twitter. For now, they satisfy both my business and personal needs -- and I hope I'm not sharing everything with everyone!